About Us
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To be the trailblazers of the global pharmaceutical industry by pioneering in cutting-edge technology and research while staying committed to our social responsibility.


Our mission is to serve humanity by infusing state-of-the-art technology with advanced research practices and delivering quality healthcare products and services.

Our Story

STIVAPH® was established in Ahmedabad, India, with the mission to make global healthcare more accessible by providing effective and quality solutions to the rising demand. Our founders, Mr Varun B. Doshi and Mr Karan P. Shah started the organization with the visionary goal of meeting global standards of best practices to become innovators in the pharmaceutical field.

Equipped with state-of-art manufacturing facilities, a skilled workforce, and consistent supply, STIVAPH® takes corporate responsibility very seriously. We strive to create a reliable environment that adheres to global best practices. Collaboration is baked into every process of how we work. Our team is also proactively engaged in research and development. Our technology-driven ensures optimum productivity and output.

Our Team


Varun B. Doshi


Karan P. Shah


Rakesh C. Shah


Tirth J. Shah

Our Legacy

Our rich legacy is a result of our pursuit of excellence and consistent customer support. We stop at nothing, but the best.

Global Presence

We have earned accolades from our customers not only in the domestic market but also in the international market. We are spread across India, Africa, Asia Pacific, Europe, Franco Cantabrian, and Middle East region.

Exceptional Service

Our indefatigable and determined commitment towards quality and customer satisfaction is well known in the pharma and healthcare community.

Building Future

We envision a future where health is a global priority, and is addressed with delicate care, expert innovation and attainable practices.

Holistic Approach

By catering to Pharmaceutical Formulation and quality assurance services, we perceive the health industry with a holistic lens.

Solid Foundation

Togetherness and commitment resides amongst all our stakeholders, as we foster an environment of community growth.

Our Legacy

We have built a legacy of being superior pharmaceutical exporters and suppliers of branded pharma Products and generic products.

Global Presence

We have earned accolades from our customers not only in the domestic market but also in the international market. We are spread across India, Africa, Asia Pacific, Europe, Franco Cantabrian, and Middle East region.

Solid Foundation

Togetherness and commitment resides amongst all our stakeholders, as we foster an environment of community growth.

Exceptional Service

Our indefatigable and determined commitment towards quality and customer satisfaction is well known in the pharma and healthcare community.

Holistic Approach

By catering to Pharmaceutical Formulation, Surgical products, and quality assurance services, we perceive the health industry with a holistic lens.

Building Future

We envision a future where health is a global priority, and is addressed with delicate care, expert innovation and attainable practices.

Your words, not ours!